My coaching sessions with Alex provide a time to slow down and reflect, and with my hectic schedule, I have found it immensely helpful to take a minute to process what’s going on with more thoughtfulness.

Alex helps me think about things in a different and often more positive perspective, and with that I can create a more positive future as well.

E. Palmacci
Senior Director
RTX/Collins Aerospace


My professional (and personal) journey was forever changed when I met Alex Cary. I had always had an inkling for my life’s purpose (both professionally and personally) and Alex allowed me to see it with much greater clarity that I could have on my own.   

Through Alex’s coaching, I am so clear on my purpose and the path I will take to bring it to fruition. Our personal sessions, recommended reading and ability to make me dig deeper to come into the greatest version of myself through self-compassion and reflection have inspired me to reassess my path to financial prosperity and self-fulfillment.   

I am much closer to being my authentic self and understanding what that looks and feel like—Alex was able to unleash the inspiration that lie dormant while I was busying myself with my career. I am forever grateful for Alex’s guidance, inspiration and motivation.

Y. Baez
Head of Industry
Alphabet (Google)


I greatly appreciate Alex’s guidance on developing a very personal and authentic leadership style.

She has a unique approach to coaching that provides a complimentary perspective. Alex joined me in multiple settings (team meetings and presentations to Senior Executives) and the feedback she provided was invaluable.

I have (now) had the pleasure of working with Alex for several years in multiple leadership roles in both 1:1 and team settings. She has always been an amazing resource to grow as a leader and in strengthening the team.

C. Wauters, PhD
VP of Manufacturing
Takeda Pharmaceuticals


It is with the utmost confidence that I can share that I would not be the leader, professional, and partner I am today without Alex’s coaching and guidance.

Her ability to bring me back to what is important while encouraging me to push the boundaries of my comfortability has allowed me to reach goals that seemed so distant just a short time ago. Through centering, feedback, and respectful challenging from Alex, my impact in both my professional and personal life has become something I am so proud of.

The tools and invaluable direction that Alex has given me will continue to set me up for success through all that may come in the future.

E. Newman
Chief Operations Officer, CFP®
The Atrium Financial Group


My work with Alex has been nothing short of transformational. She’s helped me at multiple stages of my career – from finding my way through the transition from individual contributor to executive, from working with one child at home to two, or leading and growing through major organizational change. 

I found our sessions both challenging and centering, because she always pushed me to look within and find my own leadership, my own fortitude and my own solutions to the problems and opportunities in front of me. 

I’ve been amazed by her ability to not just acknowledge and bolster me, but also help me more quickly see the ways in which I already have the knowledge and strength within myself to grow and succeed in all aspects of my life, but especially in my leadership practice.

J. Silver
SVP, Industry Marketing / Ad Sales


The coaching that I received from Alex was nothing short of transformational for my personal and professional growth. Through her insightful questioning and challenging, she helped me gain clarity on what brings me joy, and with it a passion for both my work and for my family.

Alex enabled me to see that my focus on the overwhelming amount of everything that had to get done was preventing me from being present in the moment and causing me to miss opportunities to truly lead my team or connect with family.

I learned to slow down and gear up to become a more impactful leader as well as make time to reflect and continually learn from each encounter.

P. Giurgis
General Manager
Aerospace / Manufacturing Industry


As I try to sum up what my coaching journey with Alex has been, the word inner peace came to mind. Alex came to me at a time when my career was in a rocket ship trajectory crossing over from mid-level leadership into executive leadership. 

​Moving so quickly one tends to forget that it is in the slowing down when BIG CREATIVE IDEAS and INNOVATION is found. Alex knows how to precisely lean into a feeling, a word, and dissect the root cause giving you a new perspective that always leaves me reflecting and growing within every session. 

Alex has provided me with guidance, resources, and application techniques that go beyond our coaching and I will take with me for the rest of my life.

Alex is part cheerleader, truth teller and guide to unlock your true potential.

E. Mesa
VP Media Planning & Multiplatform Strategy

Alex is a very gifted business and life coach who cares deeply about her work and clients. She is uniquely able to meet clients "where they are at" and deliver a transformative experience in which people change and grow. 

L. Vuskovic
Human Factors Research
Alphabet (Google)

Getting coaching from Alex really helped give me a different perspective on various issues in my life. She helped me become more aware and understanding of the issues I was dealing with.

Furthermore, Alex provided me multiple tools to effectively deal with both personal and professional issues that popped up. 

I feel at peace and I feel like I am in a much better place than I was when I first reached out to her. I honestly don't think I would be feeling like this especially at this time, without her coaching. I am forever grateful for her.



Working with Alex as my coach for the past year has allowed me to step forward into my professional self and expand my practice to levels I had only dreamed about. Her keen and wise intuition is always spot on, and yet her gentle way of being has allowed me to find my deepest truths inside myself. Thank you Alex!

C. Hazen-Molina
Heartfelt Workforce LLC 

Without Alex, I am sure I would not have moved forward with my life. She worked with me to re-connect with myself, take steps to fulfill my needs before fulfilling others and become a better communicator both inside and out. I am forever grateful.

B. Americo​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
Manager of Graphic Arts
San Francisco Conservatory of Music